Thursday, February 23, 2017

Jason Lewis and the Electoral Connection

Mayhew's Argument:


  • Members of congress are single minded seekers of re-election.
  • To achieve this goal of re-election members use advertising, credit claiming, and position taking.
  • These three activities help the member of congress be seen in a favorable fashion to their constituents and stay better connected to them.
  • As a result of these, re-election occurs. 

Image result for the electoral connection

 Jason Lewis and the Electoral Connection

Image result for jason lewis congressman meeting with people      


-Effort to disseminate ones name among constituents in a way that creates a favorable image but has very little issue content.  
  1. Jason Lewis has a newsletter that he sends out so that constituents and others interested can see what he is up to and get all the latest news that effects the district and his political office.
  2. Franking is also another way Jason Lewis uses his incumbency to reach out to his constituents and spread his name.

3. Jason Lewis used twitter, especially during his campaign trail, as a way of advertising his name!

Credit Claiming:

- Acting to generate a belief that you are personally responsible for causing government to be doing something voters think is important. 
  1. Jason Lewis is on several committees: Budget, Education and the Workforce, and Transportation and Infrastructure. By being on these committees Jason can claim that his impact of these categories in Minnesota are largely to his credit.
2. Here we see Jason Lewis Credit Claiming about his importance in the Education and Workforce committee, helping better our workforce by educating young people to be equipped with technical skills.

Position Taking:

- Taking a stance on an issue to show voters that you are aligned with them. 

  1. Jason Lewis has co-sponsored 15 bills in congress that range from tax reforms to accountability and labor sovereignty. By doing this Jason is backing/taking a stance on issues he believes aligns him with his constituents. 

     2. This video shows Jason Lewis taking a stance against modern politics today, saying how he is not a political insider, and that he is here to not shy away from tough issues and fight for his constituents. 

- These activities of advertising, credit claiming, and position taking, as well as Jason Lewis's Office and Staff, Institutional advantage, and political party will help him get re-elected to office.

Did you know?

-Jason Lewis is also the name of a male model and actor in the famous "Sex and the City" series.... 

Image result for jason lewis


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